6 Best Tips On How To Be Happy In Your Job

Now, it is very normal to lose the zeal for your job. Everyone goes through that phase, especially if you have held the same position for a long time. No one is immune to this feeling. It eventually catches up with us. But as long as you are still in need of that job, you need to find ways of how to be happy in your job

Maintaining Harmony In Diversity

Once in a while, society encounters individuals who harbour strong feelings and opinions against other people's backgrounds and ways of doing things. Unfortunately, these strong personal feelings threaten the peace and safety of our society

Warmed By Own Heat

Lately, I have come to realise that I have another home that I love so much - the home of my blog. No matter how busy I am or how tired I am, I always find myself coming back to the Loud Introvert; a place where I free to express myself or get warmed by … Continue reading Warmed By Own Heat

I Could Almost Taste It

My eyes opened to a sight of student doctors around my hospital bed. My wife explained that I had passed out at the door between the living room and the kitchen. That explained the echoing of voices before I experienced darkness. The running and fast walking, coupled with excitement had pushed my big body to a limit it could no longer handle